The project introduces a collaborative platform that fosters integreted learning through virtual in addition to physical presence towards building foundational and soft skills in problem based learning contexts. To achieve this objective, the project introduces activities that are related to collaborative, problem-based learning design; design and implementation of collaborative digital services that allow group work anywhere, anytime; educator capacity building towards the adoption of the proposed learning intervention; and learning delivery in real-life contexts.

  • Problem-based and project-based learning collaborative learning design

    This output constitutes the theoretical, methodological framework of VIE towards the development of a collaborative learning platform for problem- and project-based learning through virtual in addition to face-to-face communication.

  • A digital collaborative platform for hybrid learning delivery in combinations of virtual and face-to-face settings

    This output will focus on the design and development of an interactive digital collaborative learning platform that will facilitate hybrid learning delivery through virtual in addition to faceto- face settings. The platform will be flexible and will allow educators to adapt the mix of virtual and face-to-face learning delivery based on the evolving conditions of the pandemic, which may change as frequently as every few weeks. The platform will allow learning delivery to range from fully virtual, to full face-to-face, and combinations of the two depending on restrictions to school attendance

  • Digital collaborative learning activities

    This intellectual output refers to the design of collaborative learning activities that will be published and delivered on-line through the VIE collaborative digital platform. The learning activities will be developed as proof-of-concept educational initiatives that demonstrate the educational uses and the added value of the proposed collaborative digital learning services that will be developed in intellectual Output 2.

  • Good practices on the adoption of the VIE learning intervention

    This output aims to generate good practice guidelines for maximizing the impact of the proposed hybrid, collaborative problem- and project-based learning design based evaluation feedback generated through piloting of project outcomes with external groups of students.

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